Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stay of DADT decision until Monday?

EDIT: first comment much more substantive than original post!

"Acting on a request from the Obama administration, a federal appeals court in San Francisco on Wednesday lifted a judge's order that had halted enforcement of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy"
Why does a stay have to be issued so the Justice Department can appeal? Lauren, please stop what you're doing and explain this to me.

Monday, October 18, 2010

weed will be legal soon so this counts as a political post

seriously, burn one, then check this out

AEROPORT 2010 from the macula on Vimeo.

awesome stuff, and just to (kinda) prove it's real: The 600th anniversary show for Prague's Astrological Clock, eight days ago.

The 600 Years from the macula on Vimeo.
